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ChatGPT menjawab: ChatGPT dirancang untuk menjadi alat yang bermanfaat, tetapi seperti teknologi lainnya, ada potensi risiko jika tidak digunakan dengan benar. Berikut adalah beberapa bahaya atau keterbatasan yang perlu diwaspadai:

**1. Informasi Tidak Akurat atau Tidak Lengkap*

Masalah: Saya dapat memberikan jawaban yang salah atau informasi yang sudah usang, terutama jika topik tersebut membutuhkan data terkini.

Solusi: Verifikasi informasi penting melalui sumber tepercaya.

**2. Penggunaan untuk Tujuan yang Tidak Etis*

Masalah: Teknologi ini bisa digunakan untuk membuat konten berbahaya, seperti hoaks, propaganda, atau phishing, jika disalahgunakan.

Solusi: Gunakan ChatGPT secara bertanggung jawab untuk hal-hal positif.

**3. Tidak Mampu Memahami Konteks Emosional Sepenuhnya*

Masalah: Meskipun saya bisa membantu dalam situasi emosional, saya bukan pengganti seorang profesional seperti terapis.

Solusi: Dalam masalah kesehatan mental atau emosional, cari bantuan dari ahli.

**4. Ketergantungan Berlebihan*

Masalah: Orang bisa menjadi terlalu bergantung pada saya untuk memecahkan masalah atau membuat keputusan, yang dapat mengurangi keterampilan berpikir kritis mereka.

Solusi: Gunakan saya sebagai alat bantu, bukan pengganti kemampuan berpikir Anda sendiri.

**5. Privasi dan Keamanan*

Masalah: Informasi pribadi yang dibagikan dalam percakapan mungkin berisiko jika tidak dijaga dengan baik.

Solusi: Jangan berbagi informasi sensitif, seperti nomor identitas, kartu kredit, atau data rahasia.

**6. Penyalahgunaan dalam Pendidikan*

Masalah: Pelajar mungkin tergoda untuk menggunakan saya untuk menyelesaikan tugas tanpa memahaminya, yang bisa merugikan proses belajar.

Solusi: Gunakan saya sebagai pendukung belajar, bukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda.

**7. Penyebaran Bias*

Masalah: Model seperti saya dilatih menggunakan data dari internet, yang mungkin mencerminkan bias tertentu.

Solusi: Pertimbangkan beragam perspektif dan jangan menerima jawaban saya sebagai kebenaran mutlak.

Dengan pemahaman yang tepat, ChatGPT dapat menjadi alat yang sangat bermanfaat. Penggunaan yang bertanggung jawab adalah kunci untuk meminimalkan risiko tersebut! 😊

semoga bermanfaat...



Calligraphy is the art of writing or drawing letters beautifully and aesthetically. The word "calligraphy" comes from the Greek language, namely "kallos," meaning beautiful, and "grapho," meaning writing. In practice, calligraphy involves the use of various styles and forms of letters to create captivating works of written art.

The art of calligraphy has existed since ancient times and plays a significant role in various cultures around the world. Initially, calligraphy was used to write religious texts or sacred scriptures, such as the Quran in Islam, the Christian Bible, or other religious texts. However, over time, calligraphy evolved into an independent form of art used for various purposes, including decorative artwork, logo design, and much more.

Calligraphy artists use various tools, including calligraphy pens, brushes, or even modern tools like computers to create their works. Some famous calligraphy styles include Kufi, Naskhi, Thuluth in Arabic calligraphy, as well as Uncial, Italic, and Gothic in Latin calligraphy.

Calligraphy is not just about the beauty of letter forms but also about harmony, proportion, and the overall balance of the work. Small errors in placement or the length of lines can have a significant impact on the aesthetics of the final result. As an art form, calligraphy encompasses aesthetic value, spirituality, and high technical skill.

Calligraphy is the art of writing or drawing letters with a specific beauty and aesthetic. Here are some additional points that further explain calligraphy:

  1. Calligraphy Styles:
    • Arabic Calligraphy: Involves writing in Arabic and is often used for writing the Quran. Common styles include Naskh, Thuluth, and Kufi.
    • Latin Calligraphy: Related to the Latin alphabet and has various styles, such as Uncial, Italic, Gothic, and Copperplate.
  2. Calligraphy Tools:
    • Calligraphy Pen: Specially designed pens with interchangeable tips to create various line widths.
    • Calligraphy Brush: Brushes used to write or draw letters with liquid ink or watercolors.
    • Calligraphy Ink: Special ink designed to flow smoothly and provide a visually appealing effect.
  3. Styles and Techniques:
    • Tughra: Calligraphic form used in the Ottoman Empire, typically for signing official documents.
    • Diwani: Complex and artistic calligraphy style, commonly used for official letters or legal documents.
    • Illumination: Addition of decorative and artistic illustrations to calligraphy to enhance aesthetics.
  4. History and Meaning:
    • Calligraphy has a long history, starting from handwritten manuscripts to evolving into a highly valued art form in various cultures.
    • Besides being an art form, calligraphy is often used to express spiritual and religious values, especially in the context of religious writings.
  5. Modern Usage:
    • While traditionally associated with manual handwriting, calligraphy can now also be applied digitally using graphic design software.
    • Many modern calligraphy artists create contemporary works that blend traditional elements with modern styles and technology.

Calligraphy combines technical skills, artistic sensitivity, and a deep understanding of letter forms, making it a unique and complex art form that continues to evolve over time.



Lettering is the art or skill of creating letters manually, usually for decorative or artistic purposes. Unlike calligraphy, which emphasizes writing styles, lettering focuses more on letter design and typography arrangement. In lettering, artists often create letters freely or combine various lettering styles to create unique compositions.

Lettering can be applied in various contexts, including poster design, banners, logos, signs, and even mural art. Due to its more liberal nature, lettering provides greater freedom for artists to express their creativity. This allows for the use of various lettering styles, sizes, colors, and additional decorations such as shadows, outlines, or other decorative elements.

Unlike calligraphy, which often involves writing techniques with specialized pens or brushes, lettering can be done with various tools, including pens, brushes, markers, or even digital tools such as graphic tablets or computer design applications.

Lettering is also often applied in modern graphic design and other creative industries. Many graphic designers use lettering to create brand identities, packaging designs, or other visual elements in their design projects. The uniqueness and creativity in lettering can convey a powerful and impressive visual message.

Lettering is the art of creating and designing letters manually to create aesthetic typographic designs. Here are some additional points that further explain lettering:

  1. Lettering Styles:
    • Serif: Letters with added ornaments or serifs at the ends of characters.
    • Sans-serif: Letters without ornaments or serifs, providing a cleaner and more modern look.
    • Script: Lettering style resembling handwriting and often creative and elegant.
    • Display: Lettering style designed to attract attention, often used in titles or logos.
  2. Techniques and Tools:
    • Pens and Brushes: Calligraphy pens or brushes are used to create letters, and the size and shape of these tools influence the character and style of the letters.
    • Markers: Markers or pens are often used for lettering, especially on a larger scale or unconventional surfaces.
    • Pencil: Some lettering artists start with a pencil to outline or design letters before making them permanent.
  3. Composition and Design:
    • Kerning: Adjusting the spacing between letters to achieve a balanced and visually pleasing layout.
    • Tracking: Overall adjustment of space between all letters in a word or sentence.
    • Leading: Vertical spacing between text lines.
  4. Color and Decoration:
    • Color: The use of color can add additional dimension to lettering works.
    • Shadow and Highlight Effects: Adding shadow or highlight effects can provide dimension and depth to letters.
  5. Lettering Usage:
    • Graphic Design: Lettering is often used in graphic design, including creating posters, greeting cards, and branding elements.
    • Street Art: Lettering is often found in street art and murals as a form of creative expression in urban environments.
    • Logo Design: Some famous logos are built around strong lettering elements.
  6. Digital Lettering:
    • Design Applications: Various digital design applications allow lettering artists to create their works electronically.
    • Graphic Tablets: The use of graphic tablets and styluses enables artists to create digital lettering with high precision.

Lettering provides great creative flexibility, and the uniqueness of each work often reflects the artist's style and personality. Small errors or variations in letter forms can add charm and personality to lettering works.


The difference between calligraphy and lettering lies in the focus, techniques, and purposes of these two arts. Here are detailed differences between calligraphy and lettering:

  1. Main Focus:
    • Calligraphy: The main focus of calligraphy is on the art of writing or drawing letters beautifully and aesthetically. Calligraphy emphasizes precise writing techniques, smooth lines, and a good balance between letter elements.
    • Lettering: The main focus of lettering is on artistically designing letters. Lettering emphasizes the creation of creative and decorative letter designs rather than formal writing techniques.
  2. Purpose of Use:
    • Calligraphy: Traditionally, calligraphy is often used to write religious texts or sacred scriptures. Calligraphy can also be used in decorative art, such as wall ornaments or framed artwork.
    • Lettering: Used primarily in graphic design, branding, and decorative art. Lettering is often applied in creating posters, greeting cards, logos, and other design elements.
  3. Techniques and Tools Used:
    • Calligraphy: Uses calligraphy pens or brushes specifically designed to create letters with various line widths. Special calligraphy ink is often used to produce beautiful effects.
    • Lettering: Can use various tools such as calligraphy pens, brushes, markers, or even digital tools like graphic tablets. Lettering allows artists greater freedom to experiment with letter shapes and styles.
  4. Technical Precision:
    • Calligraphy: Emphasizes precision in technique and specific writing rules. There are aesthetic and formatting standards to follow, especially in traditional calligraphy.
    • Lettering: Prioritizes creativity and the artist's personal style. There are no strict rules to follow, and lettering artists have the freedom to create unique letter designs.
  5. Creative Flexibility:
    • Calligraphy: More limited by specific rules and conventions, although artists can express their creativity through variations in writing style and ornaments.
    • Lettering: Provides a greater level of flexibility and allows experimentation with various styles, decorations, and design elements.
  6. Digital Application:
    • Calligraphy: Traditionally done manually with specialized tools but can now also be applied digitally using design software.
    • Lettering: Easier to adapt digitally, and many lettering artists use graphic tablets and design software to create their works.

While there are differences between calligraphy and lettering, both are beautiful forms of written art that provide space for creative expression. Some artists even combine elements of both arts to create unique and captivating works.


(artikel ini telah dimuat di Koran JAWA POS RADAR KUDUS pada 5 Januari 2022)

Apa itu sosial media? Saya mengutip tulisan di dua sumber online, Dalam sebuah tulisan di http://www.unpas.ac.id/apa-itu-sosial-media/ menuliskan bahwa “Sosial media adalah sebuah media untuk bersosialisasi satu sama lain dan dilakukan secara online yang memungkinkan manusia untuk saling berinteraksi tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu”. Salah satu media sosial yang saat ini sedang sangat digemari masyarakat khususnya kawula muda adalah TIK TOK . Media sosial yang satu ini menggunakan video berdurasi pendek antara 1 – 3 menit sebagai konten utama dalam berinteraksi antar penggunanya. Dibanding media sosial lainnya tiktok memiliki
kelebihan pada kemudahan penggunaannya (user friendly), bahkan di aplikasi tiktok bisa langsung membalas komentar followers-nya dengan menggunakan video juga sehingga membuat media sosial ini sangat cepat digemari dan berkembang pesat.

               Dengan segala kelebihan dan kemudahannya, tetap ada sisi negatif juga sangat terasa dari aplikasi media sosial berbasis short video ini. Sudah bukan hal baru lagi jika media sosial TIK TOK dicibir karena konten-konten video yang dibuat oleh penggunanya dirasa tidak sesuai dengan budaya kita di Indonesia. Sebagai contoh konten video joget atau dance di TIK TOK yang dinilai banyak orang tidak etis, mengumbar aurat, dan lain sebagainya. Anggapan negatif tersebut tentunya tidak bisa serta-merta digunakan sebagai tolak ukur utama untuk menilai baik-buruknya sebuah media sosial. Semua sosial media sama ada sisi positifnya dan ada juga sisi negatifnya, tergantung bagaimana pengguna (user) menggunakan media sosial tersebut. Saya membuktikan sendiri, dulu sangat anti dengan media sosial TIK TOK karena anggapan negatif tersebut. Namun ternyata saya salah, saya bahkan menemukan ceramah-ceramah tentang agama dan tentang kehidupan yang sangat bagus, di media sosial TIK TOK. Di TikTok jenis video apa yang sering kita tonton, maka jenis video seperti itulah yang akan keluar di beranda TIK TOK kita.

               Berawal dari itulah kemudian saya memiliki ide bagaimana mengkampanyekan bermedia sosial secara lebih positif. Tujuannya adalah agar generasi muda dapat memanfaatkan media sosial untuk hal-hal yang lebih baik. Dengan kemampuan dan kreatifitas yang saya miliki dan berbekal basic keilmuan saya di Pendidikan Seni Rupa, saya membuat satu username di TikTok yaitu “@baharfiancalligraphy” dengan nama “LARASATI LETTERING” yang berisi konten video kreasi menulis indah yang biasa disebut dengan KALIGRAFI (calligraphy) atau ada juga yang menyebutnya lettering. Wikipedia dalam situsnya https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaligrafi menuliskan bahwa “Kaligrafi dari bahasa Yunani : καλλι "keindahan" + γραφος "menulis" atau Seni khat adalah seni menulis dengan indah dengan pena sebagai hiasan”. Di akun TikTok saya “@baharfiancalligraphy” atau LARASATI LETTERING tersebut saya membuat konten video kreasi menulis indah, yaitu menulis dengan gaya / style kreasi huruf cantik berhias. Mulanya saya menulis beberapa kutipan ungkapan (quote) dari berbagai sumber, seperti dialog film, kata-kata bijak, motivasi dan lain-lain. Namun seiring banyaknya komentar dari followers yang minta ditulis namanya, maka saat ini saya lebih banyak menulis nama sesuai permintaan tersebut, dan membalas komentar mereka dengan video tulisan nama mereka. Saat ini perkembangan akun saya sudah bertambah di media sosial INSTAGRAM dan YOUTUBE dengan nama yang sama, yaitu “LARASATI LETTERING”. Dengan membuat konten video kreatif, saya berharap dapat menginspirasi generasi muda untuk tetap kreatif dan tetap positif bermedia sosial.


Youtube LARASATI LETTERING : https://www.youtube.com/c/LarasatiLettering

Youtube BAHAR SINAU : https://www.youtube.com/c/BaharSinau

TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@baharfianncalligraphy

Snack Video : https://s.snackvideo.com/u/@larasatilettering

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/baharfianncalligraphy/

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