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The Scout Movement is a non-formal educational organization that organizes scouting education carried out in Indonesia. The word Scout is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana, which means Young People Who Like to Work.

"Scouting" is a term for members of the Scout Movement, which includes;

  1. Scout Siaga (7-10 years old),
  2. Scout Penggalang (11-15 years old),
  3. Scout Penegak (16-20 years old) and
  4. Scout Pandega (21-25 years old).

The other group members are called adult members. While what is meant by "Scouting" is an educational process outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, practical activities carried out in the open with the Basic Principles of Scouting and Scouting Methods, whose ultimate goal is the formation of character. , noble character and character. Scouting is a scouting education system that is adapted to the circumstances, interests and development of the Indonesian people and nation.

Scouting in Indonesia has been started since 1923 which was marked by the establishment of the (Netherlands) Nationale Padvinderij Organisatie (NPO) in Bandung. Meanwhile, in the same year, the Jong Indonesische Padvinderij Organisatie (JIPO) was established in Jakarta (Netherlands). These two forerunners of scouting organizations in Indonesia merged into one named (Dutch) Indonesische Nationale Padvinderij Organisatie (INPO) in Bandung in 1926.

Scout Movement Goals

The Scout Movement aims to form every Scout to have a personality of faith, piety, noble character, patriotic spirit, law-abiding, disciplined, upholding the noble values ​​of the nation, and having life skills as a cadre of the nation in maintaining and building the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. practice Pancasila, and preserve the environment.

Basic Principles of Scouting

  •  Faith and piety to God Almighty;
  •  Caring for the nation and homeland, fellow life and nature;
  •  Caring for himself personally; and
  •  Adhere to the Scout Honor Code.

Scouting Method

  •  Practicing Scout Honor Code;
  •  learn by doing;
  •  group activities, cooperation, and competition;
  •  interesting and challenging activities;
  •  outdoor activities;
  •  presence of an adult providing guidance, encouragement, and support;
  •  awards in the form of a sign of competence; and
  •  separate units for boys and girls;


Based on the resolution of the 1924 World Scout Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Scouting has three characteristics or characteristics, namely:

  • National, which means an organization that organizes scouting in a country must adapt its education to the circumstances, needs and interests of the community, nation and state.
  • International, which means that scouting organizations in any country in the world must foster and develop a sense of brotherhood and friendship between fellow Scouts and fellow human beings, regardless of belief/religion, class, level, ethnicity and nation.
  • Universal, which means that scouting can be used anywhere to educate children of any nation.

The full video can be watched at : https://www.youtube.com/watch_here


Siapa pahlawan itu? menurut KBBI, pahlawan/pah·la·wan/ n adalah orang yang menonjol karena keberanian dan pengorbanannya dalam membela kebenaran; pejuang yang gagah berani. Nah seiring perkembangan jaman, makna "pahlawan" juga mengalami perkembangan. Jika jaman dahulu sosok pahlawan erat kaitannya dengan perjuangan kemerdekaan, di masa milenial jauh lebih luas lagi. 

Pahlawan adalah mereka atau orang yang dengan suka rela mengorbankan kepentingan pribadi (waktu, tenaga, harta, dll) demi mengutamakan kepentingan orang lain. Makna ini sungguh luas dan bisa berwujud banyak hal, tentunya hal-hal yang bersifat positif. 

Bulan november identik dengan momen kepahlawanan. Hal ini dikarenakan Hari Pahlawan diperingati setiap tanggal 10 November setiap tahunnya. Peringatan hari pahlawan biasanya dilaksanakan dengan upacara bendera di kalangan pelajar di sekolah-sekolah. Momen ini sangat berguna dalam memupuk dan menumbuhkan jiwa-jiwa kepahlawanan baru pada generasi masa kini. 

Salah satu kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sebagai wujud syukur dan terimakasih yang tak terhingga kepada mereka yang telah berkorban memperjuangkan kemerdekaan, para siswa berziarah ke taman makam pahlawan untuk mendoakan arwah para pahlawan.

Tayangan lengkapnya bisa ditonton disini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWLNxNvoTvY

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